
Provider Survey


  • Study Overview. Providers who participate in the COSF process participated in a survey to explore their experiences with the COSF process. The survey gathered information on providers’ impressions of the tool, the COSF process, the training and support that they have received, and the influence of the COSF on their knowledge, skills, and practices.
  • Sample. Six state EI agencies and six state ECSE agencies partnered with ENHANCE to collect new data to investigate the validity of COSF data. Each state agency identified 3 local areas for study participation for a total of 18 local EI and 18 local ECSE areas. In each area, all providers who participate in the COSF process, such as early interventionists, therapists, special education teachers, general early childhood teachers were invited to complete the survey. We initially anticipated collecting information from 200 to 300 providers in the study.
  • Status. The survey was distributed in from March through June, 2012. View the survey. 856 providers across 8 states submitted surveys. Data are in the process of being analyzed. See the reports and presentations page for the most recent information on study findings.

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ENHANCE was funded by grant R324A090171 from the U.S. Department of Education. Website contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.